We've dumbed down the art of debate

Some of you will remember the sinking of the Belgrano in 1982. Several of you might remember the Sun’s newspaper headline. It said, ‘Gotcha’. And a further number of you might remember something similar to my memory of the next day. I went to school and the Belgrano report was the hot topic. A number of us were outraged by the headline, others jeered with pleasure at the sentiment and several had no opinion. A discussion unfolded. It got a bit heated in places but stayed on topic. People listened to each others’ views. Those who initially held no view, joined in. People put their opinions forward, people made reference to facts they knew about the situation, people listened and we fine-tuned our thoughts on the matter. Some views remained unchanged but understanding had developed about why others held the views they did. Several people remained undecided or shy to put their opinion forward. We discussed it a little further over the following days. It was a while before the next hot...