Friendship Application

I met a young woman at a hippie camp I went to this summer. I bumped into her again a few weeks later. A couple of days after that, she sent me a CD of her quirky music and a letter explaining that she thought I was cool and would like us to be friends. (Yes it happens to me ALL the time). In response to this I sent her a Molly Potter friendship application form via my PA who also happens to be called Molly Potter and lives inside my body. OK so the friendship application form had questions on it like what colour would you have grass be if it wasn't green, give this monster a name, what is your fairy name etc
(in fact this has continued and she has since returned the form (wonderfully filled in, with an imaginative CV accompanying it), I have set her a treasure hunt to find the friendship codeword (S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R) using a local shopping centre and including one clue that meant she had to walk into an estate agents and declare she wanted to buy a house for £50, set her some more creative tasks and she has now set me a task (I stated this was the next stage) to complete and illustrate a story poem - the prompt for which is the start and end and some other potty bits! We should be separated.

Anyway. It set me to wondering. If you did really have a friendship application form. What would you have on it?

Topics on mine would include: humour, ability to forgive, open-mindedness, upness for fun, talent in initiating quirk....


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