
Well I did try very hard to stay advert free....but the temptation is just too great....

If you place your order with me - I'll only take a little commission.


  1. Ok, I would like an un-rockable boat, a spare head, a silver lining and someone to help me find my marbles. How much would that be?

    C x

  2. Playing it safe today Moll?!! xxx

  3. Go on James, we needed a laugh and a commercial break after all that godbashing!

  4. The Scabby Caff.
    This is a classic.
    Loved them all. Spot on hilarious.
    but that one made me snort.

  5. Setting up an alternative advertising agency are you ????

  6. Carol - you're in luck - it's a 4 for 3 offer today. So 23p. We have recently received reports that the boat does wobble a little bit though.

    James that is Claire that is James or Claire possibly - no I just love variety and unpredictability.

    BA Baracus - OK.

    Sandra - The commercial break is over now though!

    Clippster - if I have made someone snort - I am one happy bunny.

    Heron - might be. Not telling.

  7. Glad I looked back to find the commercial break that I missed


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