My Valentine.....

This post won't be for those of you delicate of stomach. As blogging seems to have become my medium recently - how could I not use it to be gooey about my Andy Chap.

A small sample of the things I love about my Andy Chap.........

1) He's my life support system. Before Andy came along a tomato and a few prawns regularly sustained me. Now I eat real, beautifully cooked food. He's a great nurse too - medical and psychiatric.

2) He's my 'put things in perspective' rock. He has a magical, to the point, way of summing things up and filtering out the stuff that doesn't matter.

3) His sense of humour. He giggles a lot. Sometimes with me, sometimes at me, sometimes at himself, sometimes with himself, often at things few would find funny and many other times. And when he giggles, I have to giggle too.

4) His hat wearing. It's something to behold.

5) His wearing of female attire is even better. He'd have made a good woman.
Would-be female genre: Lady Di coyly looking out from under her flicked fringe.

6) He thinks I am great. Just as I am. Imagine that. I found my minority. It's him.

7) His capacity for the THE SILLY and THE BIZARRE is fantastic - city scapes made out of things from the skip, smell museums, pistachio nut spiral in wax, absolutely nonsensical humour to be found in his home-made cards, a musical chair, Christmas cards made from rotting leaves(!), the human noise making machine name just a few.

8) His 'projects'. Wine making, cider making, music writing, conserving, growing stuff, strange things constuction, bread making, mass kidney bean soaking, many things DIY (shelf building, kitchen fitting, painting, bike fixing, etc). He says that I should really do these things as we are role-reversed. I say I'm too pretty.

9) He is the single most tolerant and patient man in the universe. He's nurturing and humble and kind and warm and cheery. He is Super-Easygoing-Man saving the universe by calming the waters and keeping the storm in the tea cup. Our children and I have been sent to test him. So far he looks set for a distinction.

10) His guitar playing is AWESOME (I reserve that word just for his guitar playing).

If you haven't heard it and would like to, some can be found at:
Andy Kirkham Guitar on Youtube

11) His unpredictability. From the music he plays (very varied: Eno, Rachmaninov, Dylan, Farke Touri, choral works, Fleet Foxes, great steam trains of the 50s - no kidding etc etc), from what he says (whether he's talking to himself or actually to someone), his next project, the next book he's going to read, an idea about where he wants to go, what he wants to just cannot be predicted.

12) The fact his general knowledge makes up for my lack of it. He reads newspapers properly - carries on through the distracting pest in the room attention seeking.

13) When his hair is all 'John Noakes'. To have a husband that reminds you of Blue Peter's hayday is pure bonus.

14) And of course I love his stickability and stamina. He married me and he still loves me. He will get sainthood status surely.

My card to him......

His card to me -breadcrumbs on a squashed takeaway tin - what more could a lass want?


  1. Parallel lives...bread theme...Jim made me a card with a heart cut from a piece of toast. of course, then he forgot to give it to me. Jim is his very own minority. Happy Valentines day sicklies xxx

    P.S. Can you get Andy's somewhere? I'd quite like as a home help at least. Is it a pilot scheme?

  2. I like Andy's hats.

    Jen got me white chocolate, I got her a luxury bath, complete with Gin and Tonic and chocolates, The only downside is lighting all the bloody tealights, which takes ages.

    I think we're all lucky people by the sound of it.

    Happy Jack Valentine all. xxx

  3. You got lucky. He looks like a really nice guy with a slight resemblance to paul mccartney. no?
    fab valentine's card too.
    what more COULD you want indeed?
    nice one.

  4. To have found a true soulmate is something that not everyone is lucky enough to have done. You and I have been lucky.

    I love your dirty white over the knee socks. Did you carefully dirty it or was it accidental?

    btw - hope you didn't think I was having a dig by linking myself with the shadow side of you know what - it was that side that truly reminded me of me.

  5. Claire - the parallel lives thing has got out of hand. I am amazed how many people ‘do’ Valentines...on our drive to a countryside walk there were loved up couples everywhere, Ah. I don’t think Andy would market particularly well as home help. He does well by my standards but that might not meet with universal approval.

    Mr T – apparently Andy was approached on Friday by a woman looking for guitar lessons and she had been told to look out for the man in the strange hats and she found him. Ah – Andy would like a bath like that.

    Clipster – I recently told a woman that she had got lucky because her girlfriend was beautiful. She took it as an insult (i.e. she wasn’t in the same league as her girlfriend - I probably was thinking that actually!!!!) so I have vowed never to say that to anyone again. I tell Andy two things...1) It was his choice – he could have married a nice girl (catchphrase) and 2) He’s a very, very lucky man.

    FF – yep soulmate he is...and lovely with it. There’s no carefully anything with me I’m afraid. I knely on the ground as part of the routine and, as per usual at that wood party – it had been raining and the ground was wet. No idea what you are referring to with the btw – I am simple remember.

  6. I'm willing to give an Andy a trial period. Is it Norfolk County Council that supply them? Or is it a national scheme?

    BTW, didn't you look dishy on your wedding day?!! Legs, tits, make-up, the lot. Right Benny Hill.

  7. Molly I am now in love with both you AND your husband. He has a kind and humorous look in his eyes, and your post make me smile. What a lovely couple you two make!


    p.s. I think your head is perfectly sized for your body. :-)

  8. I rather think you and Andy are a well matched pair !
    Hope that you had a wonder filled day.

  9. Claire - SAE to I'll trial an Andy
    Norwich is Pilot Scheme
    County Hall
    NR1 4AK
    I always look dishy.

    Pearl - you're pretty loveble yourself - I don't think I've read a blog as wonderfully bonkers as yours. Pinhead Potter xxx

    Heronster - we are indeed. He is a wonder.

    Ahh that's made me all gooey inside - with a cherry on top (my head)

  10. I will not correct typos - they do not matter.




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