The Teenage Pregnancy Fete

You don't have to look far to see there's a lot of cut, cut cutting going on in the public sector. My team was part of the first wave of cuts. We are the county's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Unit. We have known we were to be axed since July. July! That's a long time to know that you are going to be made redundant and an awful lot of sympathetic 'well what are you going to do?' conversations to endure! The team is well past needing sympathy and a little bored by those conversations - although we do acknowledge they come from kind intentions.

We have worked with lots of different agencies across the county and I have worked with many schools in particular. I have supported schools with their sex and relationships education, personal, social and health education and many things linked to well being. It has been a fantastic and fascinating job.
We were told a couple of weeks ago that we couldn't just say goodbye to everyone on the phone and that we needed to have some kind of official goodbye for our stakeholders. So we met and discussed this 'goodbye.' There was consensus that we didn't want a formal and miserable opportunity for more condolences so we decided it had to be upbeat. The result: The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Fete.

Stalls included:

Splat the sperm

Office Junk Tombola (I mean we are clearing out our office!)

Pin the pregnant teenager into the educational establishment

Guess the number of conceptions in the jar (jelly babies of course)

The nearly new contraception stall

We issued a warning just in case.

And there were cakes to eat to attain 'closure'!


  1. Don't supoose you had anything to do with any of those ideas, did you? xxx

  2. This smacks of MollyP organisation and humour...
    I hope you had a great time and a fond farewell. What WILL you...oops!

  3. My question about what you plan to do next came from genuine interest as I want to keep track of you as you take over the world, not from a sympathetic standpoint. I hope the rest of the fete went well. It was good to see my old team mates, and I wish you all well with the adventures you're about to begin. X

  4. Ah, back to music performing and composing then?

    Um, what is Bach doing now?

    Decomposing... sorry.

  5. Claire - I might have had a little input.

    Ken D. I am embarking upon a career of mugging of course - as there will no longer be any police.

    Ah Ronnie - thank you. You escaped the doughnut forfeit because you're so loved. The plan is in place; I think I have it all covered - except possibly some of the Pacific Islands.

    Eric - I am only a 5th of the way through my life and Bach did not work for the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Unit.


  6. You missed "pin the tail on the sperm"? (The pin the pregnant teenager doesn't count as a near miss)


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