Existentialist angst!

I am having an extended funny phase.

My tendency to always see the big picture, tune into the gist and not do details (a blessing and a disability) make me on a perpetual quest to look for patterns and see clarity in chaos and try to make sense of things. But of course - it is all a lot of chaos - much of it adversarial.

I sum things up to try and help me make sense of the chaos and some of my conclusions help me. And I don't mind that my summations are perpetually altered. I let information in when it seems relevant and the odd detail can shift my stance overnight.

But I have got to this point in my life arriving at these non-conclusions:

Certainty is strange to me. We can only be certain within our own level of consciousness. And to recognise each of our consciousnesses are limited seems to be beyond many. People seem to hold on to their certainly. They seem to like it. Flexibility seems more sensible than certainty to me. There's always a fact or new experience that can upturn our current thinking - if we remain open and let it in. We could instead accept our certainty is only of our own making.

I don't think we can know what this life is about. There are so many theories. The fact we/consciousness/god?/whatever exists is the ultimate unsolved mystery (well - certainly beyond the tools we have access to, to fathom it) - so surely any theory is as possible or impossible as the next. Could this all be one consciousness? Could there be a meaning? A creator (but what created it?)? An ultimate aim? Really - who could possibly be so arrogant as the claim they knew?

Why is humankind not aiming for high ideals? What has whatever/however/whoever/whatever saw fit to make us happen created such a complex existence? Are we just a game? What is the point of this existence? If there is no point what is the point of there being no point and how did this no-point come to exist? And why are we settling on being so involved in petty living alongside such glaringly unanswered questions?

Really. I should keep a lid on my existentialist angst. Easier said than done.


  1. What I was going to blog about was how everyone had demons - some more than others and success in life is about demon management but my existentialist demon took control. Please don;t worry about me - I am doing well!!!!

  2. Glad you are doing well! As to "ultimate aim", I concur, it would be arrogant --or perhaps an ostentation of humility-- to project one, I think. I think. You think. Universe thinks because, once there's life, time and choice are inseparable. Here to learn. You think demon-management is part of that?


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