I'm not really - tortured that is. Naming a blog didn't grab my enthusiasm enough for me to donate a large dollop of my creativity. Plus titles are not really my thing. I'm more of a concept girl.

I am creative though. I'm pretty sure of that although I only really discovered this in 2006. I had a classic 1970s upbringing - you see - that wasn't about helping your child to shine, to understand they have strengths and weaknesses and are unconditionally lovable for both. (Of course that was in vogue then - we couldn't have children getting too big for their boots - and parents did the best with what they knew.) Still this delayed my discovery that my head was wired up in a way that made it exceptionally good at forming original ideas. How dim not to have realised this until the age of 37, not to have noticed that any opening for ideas was irritatingly filled up abundantly and enthusiastically by me.

I am not sure what I will do with this space yet. Extravert my introversion extravertly or introvertly? Let's wait and see. I'm certainly not short of things to say.


  1. 'I'm certainly not short of things to say'... an understatement of some magnitude. I can't understand how you managed to keep it all in for so long.

    I wonder if the world is ready for anything else you may have a talent for or even if you can create sufficient time to find out.

    You are one of a kind Molly P.

  2. Ah Ken D - you are too kind!
    I might have stopped myself from bursting, just in time.
    Did you really get this far?


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