

  1. Oh, that's where I left my chewing gum!

  2. Interesting... is it in two parts like a proper brain?

  3. Just trying minimalism today!

    I have always thought that a huge stone brain in the centre of Norwich must be the doing of someone a little quirky. Great that it's floodlit too!

  4. The best way to get ahead is to have a brain! Sorry about that.
    Actually I thought it was a group of people huddled together, but full marks to Eric with the chewing gum. We neither of us expected a brain in Norwich or is that what you meant by minimalism?
    Okay, I apologise. I really don't mean it. It was a cheeky thought that just slipped out. I love the place really. No, I do!

  5. Quite hideous I thought - and yet I don't quite know why. Maybe its the setting: the Starbucks, the red bins, the strange seat behind... I'll probably end up liking it.

  6. Mark, yes the context is a little odd. I agree with Ken; I see, hidden but trying to get out, a huddled ball of torsos, limbs.....

  7. I like public sculpture, but not the Haymarket stuff, the setting feels wrong.

  8. Hi ken D - yes huddled people...perhaps it's a deliberate effect? Real brains have more lines don't they? Well Ken D - you surpassed yourself cheekiness-wise. Well done Cheeky!

    Mark - how about if I tell you it's covered in pigeon poo and close to a MacDonald - will that enhance it for you?

    Codgi - I like it's odd context...I'd love to speak to the person 'behind' it to see what their vision was! Who thinks to plonk a large white, stone brain in the middle of a city? I think I would like them! There are also granite chairs, tables and huge pebbles.

    Mr T - have you ever been to the sculpture trail in the Forest of Dean....a huge stained glass window hangs in the trees...loved it.


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