A tickle from the past

I am aware that my chap is a little odd. I wouldn't have him any other way. However, there is odd I admire (quite extensive and diverse) and there is also odd that is so beyond my comprehension, it drives me to pull faces. That is probably why said fellar strived to keep one of his collections hidden from me for years. It was his considerably voluminous tin can collection.

Started in 1978, he collected every different type of can his young self could lay his hands on. Not composed of just soft drinks, his collection is evidence of considerable alcohol consumption. I can hear him now, 'it's all for my collection...hic.'

Anyway, it wasn't so hidden once we had moved house and it was agreed that the cans were to be sold on ebay - if they could be. These days he rarely leaves the house withour a cylindrical parcel prepared for posting about his person. I didn't bully him into it. Honestly. I think he's just a differnt person now.

However, out of one of his many can boxes one day came something that was to become the provocation of much hilarity, serious discussion and games. On the front they just looked like 70s styled cans of Tennents lager. Like this.

But then on the backs of the can...look at these....are you ready, brace yourself. Scroll down.


Mine is June.


  1. I scrolled up so they were out of sight, then tried to remember their names in order, from left to right. Thanks MollyP, for reminding me of how bad my memory is. I was quite happy with getting as far as Lindy, though:)

    I used to collect fruit, sweet and chocolate bar wrappers and could recite every single cigarette manufacture. Sad, or what?

  2. Is it strange that I heard the television theme song for 'Charlies Angels' when I saw the can backs? Michelle and June are best, I think.

  3. KenD,
    I am pulling faces again!!!

    Eric. June is mine. You'll have to have Michelle.

    I meant ebay not email. I have edyslxia

  4. Well if June is off the table, I'll have give Fiona her day in court.

  5. Hi Eric
    Fiona did come thrid in the Miss Tennents Can contest after Michelle and June. Good choice. She does charity work, loves children and strives for world peace. You can't go wrong.

  6. Now Eric has Fiona. Michelle is all yours Mark


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