
I have been marvelling at how much conflict opinions can sometimes cause. I have witnessed many heated debates based on opinion solely - which to me is like one blind faith arguing with another. An opinion can be a transient thing. When we react to an issue and form an opinion, it is based on our current knowledge of the issue (which is unlikely to be comprehensive), the patterns and buttons of our personality/ego (applying our individual evaluative judgement), and how our personality has reacted to any prior experiences we have had relating to the issue and the thoughts it created. These are all rather woolly if you ask me. It's like saying - my experience, knowledge and personality are more valid than yours. So why do opinions cause conflict?

I guess some people present opinion as fact or dodgy facts as fact -that might get people whipped up. Also if someone believes they know more about the issue than the person they are debating it with, this might give them a powerful and tenacious need to persuade the other person to their viewpoint (which in my experience rarely happens once debates have become heated). Also the ego ("I need to be right" "I need you to think I know more about this than you") plays a large part in evoking conflict.

So are there ever situations where one opinion might be more valid than another?

NO? - each person's individual path to their own opinion gives them the right to hold it (as long as they are not harming anyone)and it is therefore as valid as anyone's.

YES? - those that have taken time to consider and educated themselves on any issue might hold a more valid opinion than someone who hasn't.

Although ultimately I conclude that those that are totally willing to change their mind might hold the most valid opinions. But that is, of course, just an opinion.


  1. However, if anyone tells me that marzipan is nice I will fight them to death xxxx

  2. Tried commenting earlier but I think Blogger ate it. Happily, there are some people in my life whose reasoned guesses I value more than other peoples' certainties --my physician and my spouse come immediately to mind. But I concur with your take on blind faith-based debates and marzipan is indeed awful. My compliments!

  3. Marzipan is nice *ducks and runs for cover*


    C x


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