Emotional literacy

For many years now I have been reading absolutely everything I can get my hands on about emotional literacy/intelligence and resilience. It's not just because I write books for children about the stuff, it's also because for personal development as emotional literacy is pretty key to self-awareness, self regulation,  and generally finding life more manageable! I didn't have great role models in my childhood for emotional literacy and I suspect this triggered my perpetual search for answers.

So recently, I decided to compose some videos aimed at - not the age I write for - but the age I have always taught: Key Stage 2 aged children (7-11) although I think some of the videos could be used with older children. My aim is to support parents, carers and teachers with helping their children develop emotional literacy. All of the videos can be found, described and added to each week here. If it helps one person - I am happy!


  1. Dear Molly, It's 3am here and I just watched the 1st video. I subscribed to your Youtube site as a result. I shall watch the rest too. I am an old man but always a new student of thought, emotion and behavior. I have an enthusiastic interest in your compassionate insights.

    1. Ah hello Geo. It's been a ling time! This blog gets a but neglected so apologies for not responding earlier. Obviously I am a fan of emotions...they can give us great insights! How are things over there? x


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