The kind of puzzles I used to love as a child....

When I was a kid I used to love these kind of puzzles. I know some of them have been around for ages but I still enjoy them....... 1) A large ship is moored to a pier has a rope ladder hanging over its side. Each rung of the ladder is 2 cm in diameter and the rungs are 50cm apart, centre to centre. The ladder hangs down to the water, the water just covering the fifth rung from the bottom. If the tide rises at a uniform rate of 10cm an hour, how many rungs will be underwater after two hours? A drawing might help you find the answer. 2) What are the tree mistake in this sentence? 3) Why do white sheep in Wales eat more than black sheep? 4) Why are 2007 pennies worth more than 2006 pennies? 5) How much soil can be removed from a hole 2 metres wide by 2 meters long and 2 metres wide. 6) A scientist made an amazing discovery. He invented a liquid so powerful it would dissolve any substance known on Earth He made millions of pounds selling it for £15 a bottle. What is the flaw in this story?...