New year's resolutons

Well the date was begging for it wasn't it... 1) I will stop nicking. 2) I will start to accept my pyramania is an illness. 3) I will never, ever push anyone over again. 4) I will stop counting chocolate orange as one of my five a day. 5) I will leave irreverence to others - especially at funerals. 6) Only one joy ride per month and I will return the car afterwards. 7) I will understand that the C word is not appropriate in every situation - not even for overdue library books. 8) I will offer my bogeys to others before eating them. 9) I will stop justifying trashy TV and suduko by saying they are meditative. 10) I will no longer get annoyed and squirm inside when people use the term, 'let's not go there' because there are a few worse sins in the world, like murder. Oh what a better person I would become. No that was just me being silly. I have never made a new year's resolution. If a change of habit is needed I like to think I could master it any time of year. Howev...