
I honestly think that judgement never helps anyone and yet I hear it all the time. I hear people say things like: “Well she just tries too hard.” “You know him, he's useless, he can’t plan anything.” “She’s rubbish at communicating what she means.” “He’s a bad parent.” “Well what do you expect from people like that?” “She's so vain." “They spoil their kids.” ‘You don’t like golf do you?’ I think judgement sometimes comes out of not valuing difference and diversity. Of course we understand the way we do things ourselves, we understand (and are tuned into) our own values, our own lifestyle choices, our own preferences. And of course, we are very likely to believe that our own choices are right, which can therefore mean we might believe any choice that is not the same as our own, is possibly wrong -especially if all this judgement is coming straight from our subconscious. We all have different talents, values and motivations. This needs to be celebrated - not ...